Stunning and Sustainable

Huge glass meets a LEED Platinum modern home near Dallas


Across the street from a greenbelt conservation area on the outskirts of Dallas sits a remarkable modern home designed by Paul Merrill and Yen Ong of 5G Studio Collaborative that truly blends in with its surroundings.

Western Window Systems products were “integral to the design of this home,”  


Certified LEED Platinum (the highest residential rating possible), the 4,600-square-foot home is an energy-positive structure whose facade is fully one-third glass. In fact, says Merrill, during the day, the home can be illuminated using only natural light.


Merrill says these large Western Window Systems sliding glass doors fit in well with the energy-efficient design of the highly sustainable home, which is powered by rooftop solar panels and a geothermal heat pump and employs drip irrigation on the vast array of vegetation surrounding the home.